Recycling and Energy-from-Waste facilities

Project development

We help investors and technology providers develop Recycling and Energy-from-Waste projects in developed and emerging markets.


Bridging Waste, Recycling and Energy expertise.

Our team has over ten years of experience creating sustainable energy and circular economy solutions for governments and businesses worldwide.

We aim to become the world's leading partner for eco-friendly energy production and manufacturing.

We lead energy-from-waste and materials recovery projects from concept to finance close. Our clients span Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.

Some examples of our work include project development of small-scale Energy-from-Waste facilities, establishing waste collection and recycling systems for manufacturing waste and niche products, and developing green-field energy facilities of different scales.

Usually, we get engaged in project originating, commercial modelling, legal and financial planning, PR, GR and funding advisory. We have extensive experience in building B2G and B2B partnerships in emerging and frontier markets, including central and local governments, MNCs, private businesses, infrastructure investors, waste management and recycling companies.


    • Scouting and reviewing investment opportunities in developed and emerging markets:

      • Waste-to-Energy facilities

      • Biomass facilities

      • Recycling facilities

      • Sustainable manufacturers

    • Identifying potential operational partners and co-investors

    • Risk analysis and mitigation:

      • stakeholders

      • contractual structure

      • feedstock supplies

      • off-take

    • Assistance in selecting due diligence advisors.

    • Independent assessment of the waste supply market in the project location:

      • waste mapping (AI)

      • logistics planning, costing (AI)

      • service providers

    • EfW and Recycling planning:

      • technology providers

      • energy and material off-takers

    • Regulation analysis and available support measures.

    • Stakeholder mapping and engagement:

      • equity partners

      • operators

      • off-takers

      • technology providers, etc.

    • Business model and contractual structure

    • Financial modelling and financing planning.

    • Developing investment package

    • Connecting with private and institutional infrastructure and venture capital investors in the APAC, MENA and Europe.

    • Waste supply analysis:

      • waste mapping (AI)

      • logistics planning, costing (AI)

      • service providers

    • EfW and Recycling planning:

      • technology providers

      • operators

      • energy and material off-takers

    • Regulation analysis and available support measures.


Using data and AI to predict and cost waste supplies.

We use artificial intelligence to predict and control feedstock costs and maximise collection volumes of waste and recyclables.

Circle is a proprietary AI platform to design, cost and control waste and recyclables collection, minimising environmental impact from operations.

The platform is quicker and more accurate than traditional consulting-based analysis.

Circle integrates with existing IT infrastructure and enables data-driven investment and operational decision-making.


Utilising waste from overloaded landfills to supply electric power to disadvantaged areas in Indonesia.

Independent Power Producer (Singapore)


  • Developing commercial, contractual and financial project structure

  • Negotiating terms for the project site, waste supply agreement, PPA

  • Advising on the technology and FS consultants’ selection

  • Developing a financing plan and a list of investors/lenders


Developed a bankable project structure and investor package for a $20m project financing.